The borough of Paxtang is about a 1/4 mile in size. We border Harrisburg City Susquehanna Township and Swatara Township. We run a little over 300 calls a year. A majority of our calls are mutual aid. Theres 25 active members. We operate 1 Engine 1 Rescue 1 Support vehicle/Fire Police and a chiefs vehicle.

October 2016 Stats

Here are October Stats.

Calls:  27  YTD:  303

Boro Calls:  5  YTD:  46

Jobs:  1  YTD:  24

Pins:  0  YTD:  2

Total Manpower:  83

Avg Crew:  3

Hrs In Serive:  10 hrs 2 mins

Engine Calls:  11

Rescue Calls:  20

Busiest Day:  Thursday with 6

Busiest Time:  0800-1600 with 12

Busiest Box:  50 Steelton with 9


Top 5 Responders

Chief Zwigart with 20

FF. Nickle with 9

FF. Lemmon with 9

Capt. Tinari with 8

FF. Frankenfield with 7


Box 40-1 MVA

10-25-16  At 1549 hrs box 40-1 was struck for an auto accident with injuries.  Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 3.  Arrived on the scene to find 2 vehicles in the parking lot of Dollar General.  Crew checked on the injuries till EMS arrival and checked for fluid leak and debris clean up.  Time out was 21 mins.

Transfer with Call to the Scene

10-24-16  At 1706 hrs the Engine was dispatched to transfer to Hbg City Sta 2 while crews working on a structure fire.  Engine 40 responded with a crew of 3.  While enroute to the scene, the engine was called to the scene to assist with RIT.  Time out was 34 mins.

Box 40-1 MVA

10-15-16  At 1240 hrs box 40-1 was struck for an auto accident with injuries.  Capt 40 on the scene with a single vehicle into a pole.  Engine 40 responded with a crew of 4 along with Rescue 44.  Crews from 40 and 44 cribbed the vehicle and assisted EMS with pt packaging, fluid leaks and debris clean up.  Time out was 54 mins.

September 2016 Stats

Here are September’s Stats.


Calls:  28  YTD:  276

Boro Calls:  1  YTD:  41

Jobs:  2  YTD:  23

Pins:  0  YTD:  2

Total Manpower:  89

Avg Crew:  3

Hrs In Service:  13 hrs 13 mins

Engine Calls:  10

Rescue Calls:  19

Busiest Day:  Tied Wednesday, Friday and Saturday with 5

Busiest Time:  0800-1600 with 12

Busiest Box:  50 Steelton with 9


Top 5 Responders

Capt. Tinari with 20

Chief Zwigart with 17

FF. Frankenfield with 8

FF. Lemmon with 6

Lt. Sikorski with 5

FF. Moyer with 5


16th Annual Crabfest/Pig Roast.

09-24-16.  The 16th Annual Crabfest/Pig Roast was another SOLD OUT YEAR.  The weather was beautiful and everyone had a great time.  We would like to thank all our sponsors, the volunteers from the Paxtang Lions Club, Hampden Twp Fire and Dillsburg Fire and all the members of the department.  Without all the help, this event would not happen.  Thanks to everyone that purchased tickets for the events.  We hope to see you all next year.  The committee is already working on next years event.

Box 44-2 WSF

09-12-16  At 0107 hrs box 44-2 was struck for a working structure fire.  Engine 40 responded with a crew of 3.  Engine 40 arrived on the scene to take up the 1st due water source and supplied Engine 44.  Chief 40 had side A safety.  Time out was 4 hrs 16 minutes.

Box 31-1 WSF

09-05-16  At 0318 hrs box 31-1 was struck for a working structure fire.  Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 4.  Crew arrived on the scene to take up the RIT assignment.  After control was marked crew was then assigned to assist with overhaul of the fire building.  Time out was 3 hrs 3 mins.

August 2016 Stats

Here are August 2016 stats.

Calls:  30  YTD:  248

Boro Calls:  4  YTD:  40

Jobs:  3  YTD:  21

Pins:  0  YTD:  2

Total Manpower:  105

Avg Crew:  4

Hrs in Service:  15 hrs 40 mins

Engine Calls:  9

Rescue Calls:  23

Busiest Day:  Sunday with 8

Busiest Time:  1600-0000 with 15

Busiest Box:  50 Steelton with 8


Top 5 Responders

Chief Zwigart with 17

FF. Lemmon with 14

Capt. Tinari with 11

Lt. Sikorski with 11

FF. Frankenfield with 10


Box 40-1 Paxtang WSF

08-30-16  At 2239 hrs box 40-1 was struck for a structure fire.  PD on the scene with a working garage fire.  Engine 40 responded with a crew of 4.  Engine 44 took 1st due truck and Engine 40 laid into the scene.  Crews made a quick knock on the fire.  Time out was 1 hr 42 mins.