The borough of Paxtang is about a 1/4 mile in size. We border Harrisburg City Susquehanna Township and Swatara Township. We run a little over 300 calls a year. A majority of our calls are mutual aid. Theres 25 active members. We operate 1 Engine 1 Rescue 1 Support vehicle/Fire Police and a chiefs vehicle.

Box 40-2 Gas Leak

01-04-18 At 0851 hrs box 40-2 was struck for a gas leak inside a building. DC. Tinari enroute was advised by Dauphin County 911 that UGI is on the scene with a gas leak inside of the Visiting Nurses. Also advised there are 7 employees at the diner across the street not feeling well. Command had EMS dispatched to check out the employees. Per UGI they had 60 PPM of CO inside. Engine 40 crew arrived and staged in the parking lot across the street and sent their manpower in to investigate. Engine crew had reading of 35 PPM of CO. Command had truck 32 to side D of the structure and set up ventilation and assisted with metering the building. Engine 91-1 staged at the hydrant in front of station 40. Crew found an issue with one of the roof top heater and secured the gas to all roof top units. Once the gas was secured the building and levels were re-checked crews had zero readings. UGI advised building maintenance of the issue found and that the gas could not be turned back on till issues is fixed. Time out was 50 mins.

2017 Year End Report

01-13-18 Here are the year end stats for 2017

Total Calls: 350
Boro Calls: 51
Jobs: 27
Pins: 0
Total Manpower: 1429
Avg Crew: 4
Total Hrs In Service: 229 hrs 42 mins
Engine Runs: 118
Rescue Runs: 251
Busiest Day: Tuesday with 55
Busiest Time: 1600 to 2400 with 162
Busiest Box: Steelton (50) with 92

Top 10 Responders
DC. Tinari with 199
FF. Lemmon with 169
FF. Frankenfield with 140
FF. Schrader with 137
Capt. Bloss with 125
Chief Zwigart with 124
LT. Nickle with 110
FF. Moyer with 71
FF. Schmolitz with 51
FF. Robinson with 49

December 2017 Stats

01-01-18 Here are December 2017 Stats.

Calls: 40 YTD: 350
Boro Calls: 4 YTD: 51
Jobs: 3 YTD: 27
Pins: 0 YTD: 0
Total Manpower: 130
Avg Crew: 3
Hrs In Service: 21 hrs 23 mins
Engine Calls: 15
Rescue Calls: 28
Utility Calls: 1
OIC: 0
Busiest Day: Tuesday with 9
Busiest Time: 1600-2400 with 20
Busiest Box: Steelton (50) with 8

Top 5 Responders
FF. Lemmon with 27
DC. Tinari with 21
FF. Frankenfield with 15
FF. Schrader with 13
Capt. Bloss with 11
FF. Moyer with 11

Transfer to Cumberland County with Call to Scene

12-28-17. At 1611 hrs rescue 40 was dispatched to transfer to Cumberland County Hampden Twp Sta. 2-30 while Hampden had a first due WSF. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 3. While enroute to Hampden a 2nd alarm was struck bringing rescue 40 to the scene. Rescue arrived on the scene as 2nd due RIT. While on RIT assignment, 40 crew was put to work to assist with fire attack and overhaul. Time out was 1 hr 52 mins.

BOx 40-2 Structure Fire

12-26-17. At 0223 hrs box 40-2 was struck for a reported structure fire. Engine 40 responded with a crew of 3. Engine 40 laid in to side A and pulled the front bumper line. Tower 1 also took side A. Crew found a fire on the front porch. Crew extinguished the fire and checked for extension into the home and basement finding none. Time out was 36 mins.

Box 40-1 Reported Structure Fire

12-25-17. At 1704 hrs box 40-1 was struck for a reported structure fire. Engine 40 responded with a crew of 3 and Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 2. Engine 40 arrived took side A with Tower 1. Engine 40 and Tower 1 crew investigated to find a furnace malfunction. Box was held to Company 40 and Tower 1. Crew meter the home finding no readings. Crews secured the power and fuel to the furnace. Time out was 1 hr 42 mins.

Box 40-1 Structure Fire

12-10-17. At 2122 hrs box 40-1 was struck for a reported structure fire. Engine 40 responded with a crew of 5. Engine arrived on the scene and laid in to rear of the structure. Crews investigated to find a dryer fire to the rear of the home. The box was held to Engine 40 and Tower 1. Crews checked for extension finding none. Crews disconnected power and gas to the dryer. Time out was 31 mins.

WSF Box 32-1 Progress

12-7-17. At 1903 hrs box 32-1 was struck for a structure fire with possible entrapment. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 3. Minutes after dispatch, command 32 upgraded the box to a 2nd alarm. Rescue crew arrived and assisted with overhaul of exposure building. Time out was 2 hrs 17 mins.

transfer to York County Sta 68-1 Fairview TWP

12-5-17 At 2231 hrs Engine 40 was transferred to York County Sta 68-1 Fairview Twp while crews from 68 and mutual-aid companies were on a WSF. Engine transferred with a crew of 4. While on stand-by crew handled 2 calls for service. First one being a smoke detector activation which crew found the smoke detector sounding in the back yard of a home. Then 2nd was a medical assist to assist EMS with an overdose. Time out was 2 hrs 47 mins.

November Stats

12-4-17 Here are November Stats

Calls: 27 YTD: 310
Boro: 1 YTD: 47
Jobs: 1 YTD: 24
Pins: 0 YTD: 0
Manpower: 98
Avg Crew: 4
Hrs In Service: 7 hrs 20 mins
Engine Calls: 2
Rescue Calls: 26
Utility Calls: 2
OIC Calls: 0
Busiest Day: Tied Wednesday and Thursday with 6
Busiest Time: 1600-2400 with 16
Busiest Box: Steelton (50) with 10

Top 5 Responders
FF. Lemmon with 18
FF. Schrader with 15
DC. Tinari with 12
FF. Sikorski with 12
FF. Frankenfield with 12