Here are the stats for November.
Calls: 40 YTD: 343
Borough Calls: 3 YTD: 49
Jobs: 3 YTD: 27
Pins: 1 YTD: 3
Total Manpower: 158
Avg Crew: 4
Hrs In Service: 24 hrs 5 mins
Engine Calls: 10
Rescue Calls: 33
Busiest Day: Sunday with 10
Busiest Time: 1600-2400 with 21
Busiest Box: 50 Steelton with 14
Top 5 Responders
Chief Zwigart with 34
Capt. Tinari with 25
FF. Frankenfield with 19
FF. Lemmon with 17
FF. Schrader with 12