June 2016 Stats Are In

Here are June’s 2016 Stats

Calls:  43  YTD:  202

Boro Calls:  10  YTD:  33

Jobs:  1  YTD:  17

Pins:  0  YTD:  2

Total Manpower:  109

Avg Crew:  3

Hrs In Service:  12 hrs 20 min

Engine Calls:  15

Rescue Calls:  34

OIC Calls:  1

Busiest Day:  Tuesday with 11

Busiest Time:  0800-1600 with 25

Busiest Box:  Ties 40 Paxtang and 50 Steelton with 10


Top 5 Responders

Chief Zwigart with 24

Capt. Tinari with 20

FF. Kessler with 10

FF. Nickle with 8

Lt. Sikorski with 6