08-05-17 Here are July’s stats.
Calls: 20 YTD: 203
Boro Calls: 4 YTD: 31
Jobs: 3 YTD: 19
Pins: 0 YTD: 0
Total Manpower: 63
Avg Crew: 3
Hrs Is Service: 29 hrs 1 min
Engine Calls: 5
Rescue Calls: 18
Utility Calls: 1
OIC: 0
Busiest Day: Monday with 6
Busiest Time: 1600-2400 with 9
Busiest Box: Progress (32) with 6
Top 5 Responders
DC. Tinari with 15
FF. Lemmon with 7
FF. Schrader with 7
Lt. Nickle with 6
Capt. Bloss with 5