Here are July’s Stats
Calls: 16 YTD: 218
Boro Calls: 3 YTD: 36
Jobs: 1 YTD: 18
Pins: 0 YTD: 2
Total Manpower: 47
Avg Crew: 3
Hrs of Service: 9 hrs 35 min
Engine Calls: 5
Rescue Calls: 12
Busiest Day: Sunday with 5
Busiest Time: 1600-0000 with 9
Busiest Box: 40 Paxtang with 3
Top 5 Responders
Chief Zwigart with 9
Capt Tinari with 6
FF. Moyer with 5
DC. Turner with 4
FF. Baily with 4
FF. Nickle with 4