February 2017 Stats

03-01-17.  Here are February Stats.

Calls:  28  YTD:  54

Boro Calls:  0  YTD:  3

Jobs:  2  YTD:  4

Pins:  0  YTD:  0

Total Manpower:  111

Avg Crew:  4

Hrs in Service:  16 hrs 20 min

Engine Calls:  9

Rescue Calls:  20

Busiest Day:  Monday with 7

Busiest Time:  Tied  0000-0800 and 0800-1600 with 10

Busiest Box:  Steelton (50) with 9

Top 5 Responders

Chief Zwigart with 20

DC. Tinari with 17

FF. Schrader with 17

FF. Lemmon with 10

Lt Nickle with 8

FF. Frankenfield with 8

FF. Robinson with 8