426878_orig.pjpegThursday, May 16, 2013 – This evening at 1830 hrs the Men Of Forty loaded up the Engine & Rescue to drill at our local Elementary School’s Playground. In full turnout gear and obtaining an air pack though the course each member completed obstacles ranging from stair climbs with tools to bench pressing a battering ram. The men were timed to make it more of a challenge and fun. Our two Lieutenants wanted to incorporate phyical fitness in with day to day operations that we indure as firefighters. The course was very strenuous but with postive mental control it can be done!! We would like to do more Physical Activities for the members as we promote good health in the fire service. We would like to thank those who came tonight and also the many other training nights we endured together we can’t do it with out each other!! Check up on us as we continue to do these fun and important skills within our company.

Company OIC: Chief Zwigart

Training Officer: Lt. Bloss

Photos shown courtesy of: Rachael Hays & Anthony Nickle