2017 Paxtang Fire Company 90th Banquet

06-24-17.  This evening members took the night off to celebrate the companies 90th year at our annual banquet.  This years banquet was held at Spring Gate in the Village.  It was a great night of brotherhood.  Thanks to the banquet committee for planning the banquet.  Thanks to all our guest that attended.  Before Dinner we had our table for one to remember our members that had passed away this year which included FF. Dan Wolfe and Past Chief Robert Ruddy.  Crews celebrated Craig Powers birthday with a cake.  Members honored Robin Bloss with a plaque for his 40 years of service and Craig Moyer for his 35 years of service.  They also received a citation from the House of Reps and Senate.  Members also honored Retired Deputy Chief Dave Turner for his years of service.   He was given a white helmet with gold front.  This years Firefighter of the Year was Jessica Etzle.  The top 5 responders were award with a plaque 5th FF. Lemmon with 86, 4th Lt. Sikorski 86, 3rd FF. Frankenfield with 90, 2nd Capt. Tinari with 191 and 1st Chief Zwigart with 240.  Congrats to everyone.

Porch Fire Box 40-1

06-22-17  At 1301 hrs box 40-1 was struck for a structure fire.  Chief 401 went responding and was advised by Dauphin County 911 a fire on the rear 2nd floor porch.  The house is to be vacant.  Chief 401 and PD arrived on the scene at the same time to find a fire to the rear of the structure.  PD hit the fire with an extinguisher till arrival of Engine 49.  An 1 3/4 was put in service to knock down the rest of the fire.  Crews from Engine 40 and Tower 1 check checked the house and the attached house for extension into the homes finding just a smoke condition.  Crews put a PPV fan at the front door to remove the smoke.  Control was marked at the 16 minute mark.  Crews remained on the scene for a short time.  Total time out was 1 hr 11 mins.  Photo credit to DC Tinari.

May 2017 Stats

F.06-26-17  Here are Mays stats

Calls:  34  YTD:  161

Borough Calls:  5  YTD:  22

Jobs:  1  YTD:  15

Pins:  0  YTD:  0

Avg Crew:  4

Hrs In Serivce:  26 hrs 45 mins

Engine Calls:  10

Rescue Calls:  23

OIC Calls:  2


Busiest Day:  Saturday with 8

Busiest Time:  1600-2400 with 15

Busiest Box:  Steelton (50) with 14


Top 5 Responders

Capt. Bloss with 18

Chief Zwigart with 16

DC. Tinari with 15

FF. Lemmon with 10

FF. Frankenfield with 8


Box 30-1 WSF

5-18-17  At 0211 hrs box 30-1 was struck for a smoke investigation.  Chief 30 held units in quarters.  Updates were now multiple calls reporting fire thought the roof.  Command 30 had fire visible from 2 blocks away and requested the 1st alarm.  Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 4.  Crew arrived on the scene and assisted with fire attack and overhaul on the 1st and 2nd floors.  Time out was 1 hr 26 mins

Photo credit to Rickey Weese

Members Paying Their Last Respect to Past Chief Ruddy

5-15-17  Today members paid their last respect to Past Chief Robert J. Ruddy.  Chief Ruddy served as Deputy chief and Chief from 1964 till 1978.  Bob was still active with the department up until mid 2000’s .  Chief Ruddy’s last ride was on the Old Mack.  Rest Easy Chief.  We Got It From Here.  Gone but not Forgotten.  Here are pics from today service.
















Box 40-2 Crash

5-11-17  At 0851 hrs box 40-2 was struck for an auto accident with unknown injuries.  Capt 40 on the scene advised a single vehicle into the front porch of a house.  All occupants were out of the vehicle upon arrival.  Command had Rescue 44 dispatched to assist with securing the front porch roof.  Thankfully the students at  Paxtang Elementary School were inside at the time of the accident.    Time out was 1 hr 12 min.  Photo credit to Capt 40 Bloss.


Condolences to the Ruddy Family

5-11-17  In the early morning hours the officers and members were advised of Past Chief Robert J Ruddy passing.  Bob was very active in Paxtang serving on Borough Council and served at Fire chief.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the Ruddy family in their time of need.  Watch over us chief.  Rest Easy, We Got It From Here.

April 2017 Stats

05-02-17  Here are April’s stats

Calls:  30  YTD:  127

Borough Calls:  4  YTD:  17

Jobs:  6  YTD:  14

Pins:  0  YTD:  0

Total Manpower:  162

Avg Crew:  5

Hrs in Service:  24 hrs 25 mins

Engine Runs:  12

Rescue Runs:  21

Utility Runs:  1

OIC:  0

Busiest Day:  3 way tie Sunday, Friday and Saturday with 6

Busiest Time:  1600-2400 with 13

Busiest Box:  Steelton (50) with 6


Top 5 Responders

Chief Zwigart with 24

DC Tinari with 19

FF Schrader with 19

Lt Nickle with 16

FF Frankenfield with 16

Box 40-2 WSF Paxtang

04-17-17   At 2325 hrs box 40-2 was struck for a possible structure fire.  Chief 40 on the scene with multi garages off and exposure being affected.  Chief 40 had the 1st alarm struck.  Engine 40 responded with a crew of 4.  Engine 40 arrived and hit the hydrant and laid into the scene.  Crews pulled a 2.5 attack line along with the blitz fire.  Crews had garages off on both side of the alley.  As other crews arrived, command had tower 1 and truck 32 go in service and do master stream operations to help knock the bulk of the fire and other crews help protect the exposures.   Thanks to our mutual aid companies who assisted on the scene and thanks to Fairview Twp Co. 68 and Dillsburg 64 for covering the borough and helping with getting our engine back in service.    Time out was 3 hrs 3 mins.

Photo Credit to Photo 40 C. Zwigart.



























Box 44-2 WSF Lawnton

04-15-17  At 0201 hrs box 44-2 was struck for a working structure fire.  Command requested the 1st alarm assignment.  Engine 40 responded with a crew of 5.  Engine arrived and picked up the 2nd due hydrant and feed Engine 33.  Crew assisted with fire attack.   Time out was 1 hr 53 mins.