09-27-17. At 2109 hrs chief 40-1 received a phone call from M&T bank on Derry St. advising they have water in the basement. Chief 40-1 arrived on the scene and found they had about 4 feet of water due to a water line break. Company 40 was dispatched to assist with water removal. Command 40 also had company 45 dispatched for their gas power pumps and sump pumps. There were 3 sump pumps and 1 gas powered pump were put in place to help remove the water. Crews were on the scene for 2 hrs and 14 mins.
BOX 40-1 Reported Structure Fire
09-23-17. While members were cleaning up from this years Crabfest/Pig Roast. Company 40 was out of service during the event. At 1851 box 40-1 was struck for a reported structure fire. Report from the homeowner was a section of their home was very hot. 3 members put Engine 40 in service to take in the call. The engine arrived and had no conditions from the outside. After investigation, crews found a section of a bathroom wall on the 1st floor was holding in the heat from the sun beating on the house all day. No other conditions were found and the box was placed in service. Time out was 53 minutes.
17th Annual Crabfest/Pig Roast Is In the Books
09-23-17 Today was the 17th Annual Crabfest/Pig. This year we were sold out 4 days before the event. There were a total of 564 tickets sold. The weather was beautiful. Everyone that attended the event had a great time. We would like to thank the committee on another successful crabfest. We would also like to thank our members, our Sponsor, our help from Hampden Township Fire Company, Dillsburg Fire, Franklintown Fire, Schuylkill Haven Fire, Paxtang Lions Club and Living Waters Church. Without our sponsors and help this event would not be successful. We will see you next year. THANK YOU.
Busy Evening for Engine 40
09-20-17. At 2157 hrs Engine 40 was dispatched into Harrisburg City for a Co alarm. Minutes later the engine was now being called to the scene to the structure fire on Derry Street in the 4 box. Engine 40 responded with a crew of 5. The engine was sidelined and crew assisted with overhaul in the exposure building on the 2nd and 3rd floors opening up the walls and ceiling. They were cleared from the scene and sent to City Station 2 to cover the city. Total time out was 1 hr 21 minutes.
Rescue 40 on Stand-by in Station for Swatara Township
09-18-17. At 2024 hrs Rescue 40 was placed on stand-by in station for Swatara Township while both township rescue’s were tied up on a crash with entrapment on Interstate 283. The rescue was staff with 4 members before being released by command 91. Time out was 53 minutes.
Best Appearing Out Of County Engine 1500gpm 7th Year in a Row
09-16-17 At the 63rd Annual Schuylkill County Fireman’s Convention held in Schuylkill Haven, Engine 40 took home 1st Place Best Appearing Out Of County Engine 1500pm for the 7th Year in a Row. Great job to the members who helped clean the Engine. Congratulations to the Schuylkill Hose #2 on a job well done on the Convention. Congratulation to Lawnton Fire, Rutherford Fire and Linglestown Fire on the awards they took home. We would like to thank our Borough Council for allowing us to take the Engine up to Schuylkill Haven for the weekend and a big thank you to Fairview Township 68 (York County) for standing by for the day while the Engine was away.
63rd Annual Schuylkill County Fireman’s Convention
09-16-17 Today Engine 40 along with Lawnton Fire with Rescue 44, Rutherford Fire with Engine 91-5, Engine 91-6, Attack 45 and Utility 45, Linglestown Fire with Truck 35 and Engine 35 headed to Schuykill Haven for the 63rd Annual Schuylkill County Fireman’s Convention. It was a great day of brotherhood. After judging everyone gathered for fellowship and a cookout provided by members. We would like to thank our Borough Council for allowing us to the Engine up to Schuylkill Haven for the weekend and also like to thank Fairview Township Fire Company 68 (York County) for covering the Borough for the day while the Engine was away.
MVA With Injuries Box 40-2
09-15-17 At 1316 hrs box 40-2 was struck for an auto accident with injuries at Derry St. and Paxtang Ave. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 4. Arrived on the scene to find a 3 vehicle accident with injuries. Crew assisted with patient care till EMS arrived. Crew assisted with traffic control till PD was finished with investigation. Time out was 55 minutes.
Outside Fire Box 40-1
09-02-17 At 1824 hrs box 40-1 was struck for an outside fire in the area of 400 blk of 32nd St. Engine responded with a crew of 4. Crew arrived to find a pole on fire to the rear of a house on 32nd St. While on scene the pole gave away and knocked out power in the area. Crew then extinguished a tree that was on fire due to the wires. Crews stood-by on the scene till PP&L arrived. Time out was 29 mins.
WSF Box 35-4
09-01-17 At 0002 hrs box 35-4 was struck for a structure fire. At 0003 the box was upgraded to a working structure fire with possible entrapment. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 3. Rescue arrived and staged in the area and was assigned to RIT with members from Company 36. Crew assisted with laddering the house. RIT staged on the A/B side. Crew was on scene for 2 hrs 10 mins.