October 2017 Stats

11-01-17 Here are October’s Stats

Calls: 26 YTD: 282
Boro Calls: 4 YTD: 46
Jobs: 2 YTD: 23
Pins: 0 YTD: 0
Manpower: 107
Avg Crew: 4
Hrs In Service: 13 hrs 38 mins
Engine Calls: 9
Rescue Calls: 19
Utility Calls: 2
OIC Calls: 0
Busiest Day: Sunday with 8
Busiest Time: Tied 0800-1600 & 1600-2400 with 10
Busiest Box: Steelton (50) with 8

Top 5 Responders

FF. Lemmon with 23
DC. Tinari with 20
FF. Moyer with 10
Capt. Bloss with 8
FF. Frankenfield with 8

MVA box 40-2

10-25-17 At 1432 hrs box 40-2 was struck for an auto accident with injuries at Derry St and Paxtang Ave. Updated information was 3 vehicle and a motorcycle involved. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 3. Rescue arrived and assisted with pt care till EMS arrived and assisted with getting pt ready for transport. There were no other injuries reported. Crew then assisted with debris and fluid clean up. Time out was 1 hr 4 mins.

MVA Box 40-2

10-20-17. At 1800 hrs box 40-2 was struck for an auto accident. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 3. Capt Bloss on the scene with a 2 vehicle motor vehicle accident off the side of the road. Crew arrived on the scene and assisted with pt care till EMS arrival. Crew remained on the scene till released by fire command. Time out was 21 mins.

WSF Box 44-1

10-14-17. At 2019 hrs box 44-1 was struck for a structure fire. Report was given by EMS passing the area with fire through the roof of a commercial building. Engine 40 responded with a crew of 5. Engine 40 arrived on the scene first and laid into side A of the building and left room for the truck. Crew assisted with fire attack and overhaul. Time out was 1 hr 50 mins.

Pics from Capt Bloss.

Engine Goes to Mahanoy City For Housing and Truck Dedication

10-14-17. Today the Engine with a crew of 5 and members from Hampden Township Fire Company traveled to Mahanoy City to the Washington Hook and Ladder. A little of 4 years ago, the Washington Hook and Ladder lost their firehouse and ladder truck to a fire. Paxtang Fire and Hampden Township Fire donated fire gear, hand tools, saws and other equipment to help them be able to handle calls in their first due. Today members of the Washington Hook and Ladder did their new building dedication and housing of their new ladder truck. A parade started off the events and afterwards did had their ceremony. Paxtang and Hampden were honored with a plaque for our assistance given to them in their time of need.

Fire Prevention at Paxtang Elementary School

10-12-17 Today the Engine and Rescue were at Paxtang Elementary School for fire prevention. The school was split up into 2 different groups. Grades K, 1st and 2nd were inside while the 3rd, 4th and 5th graders were outside. Grades K, 1st and 2nd watched a video on fire safety and learned about fire safety tips for around the home. They even got to see what a fireman looks like in gear. Grades 3rd, 4th and 5th learned about fire extinguishers and how to use them and some got a chance to put out a fire. Members then returned in the afternoon for the afternoon kindergarten class. Thanks to all the members who helped with fire prevention.

Pics are from both morning and afternoon.

Fire Prevention at Paxton Presbyterian Church

10-11-17. Today the Engine and Rescue were at Paxton Presbyterian Church for fire prevention. The kids watched a fire safety video, learned about Stop, Drop and Roll. They also got to see the fire trucks.

Box 40-2 Fire Alarm

10-09-17. At 1438 box 40-2 was struck for a smoke detector sounding. Engine 40 responded with a crew of 2. Engine arrived and took side A. Crew had a smoke detector sounding from the 2nd floor. The house was vacant. There was no signs of smoke or fire. Crew had PD respond to the scene. Crew was able to locate a family member to let fire in to check out the house which nothing was found. Crews replaced a faulty smoke detector on the 2nd floor. Time out was 37 mins

WSF Box 33-6 Lower Paxton Twp

10-8-17 At 0201 hrs a working structure fire was struck for box 33-6 Lower Paxton Twp. Rescue 40 was dispatched for the R.I.T. assignment. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 4. Crew arrived and staged on side A. Crew remained on the scene till released by command 33. Time out was 1 hr 7 mins.

September 2017 Stats

10-2-17. Here are Septembers stats.

Calls: 30 YTD: 257
Boro Calls: 6 YTD: 42
Jobs: 2 YTD: 21
Pins: 0 YTD: 0
Total Manpower: 108
Avg Crew: 4
Hours In Service: 16 hrs 38 mins
Engine Runs: 11
Rescue Runs: 24
Utility Runs: 1
OIC: 1
Busiest Day: Saturday with 7
Busiest Time: 1600-2400 with 16
Busiest Box: Steelton (50) with 7

Top 5 Responders
DC. Tinari with 14
FF. Lemmon with 13
FF. Frankenfield with 13
LT. Nickle with 12
FF. Sikorski with 12