February 20, 2015. At 1445 hrs Box 91-3 was struck for Rescue 40 to assist Co’s 49, 44 and 32 on an auto accident with entrapment. Rescue arrived to assist with manpower and extrication. Rescue responded with a crew of 5.
2015 Paxtang Lions Club Pancake Breakfast
February 14, 2015 Today members assisted the Paxtang Lions Club with their Annual Pancake breakfast held at the borough building. The Lions Club is a big supporter of the fire company and this is one of the ways we show our support to them. There were 9 members present with 2 fire police assisting with traffic control and assisting the patrons cross the street safely. A job well done by the Lions Club and the members of the fire company.
January 20, 2015 Lt 40 Tinari Honored at Borough Council Meeting
January 20, 2015 At tonight’s borough council meeting Lt. 40 Tinari was honored with the Metal of Valor by Chief 91 Ibberson Swatara Township Fire Marshal and Commissioner Weikle of Swatara Township for the assistance to chief 91 on the rescue of 2 occupants from the Econo Lodge fire on January 10, 2015. Lt. Tinari assisted with securing the ladder while chief 91 rescued the occupants and assisted them down the ladder. At the Swatara Township Commissioner’s meeting Chief 91 and Chief 49 Steele were presented with the Heroism Award. Chief 91 was also presented the Metal of Valor and Chief 49 was presented with the Metal of Merit. Congratulations to all recipients on a job well done and to all the firefighter that were on the scene.
January 19, 2015 WSF Box 50-1 Steelton
January 19, 2015 At 1312 hrs box 50-1 was struck for a reported structure fire. PD on the scene with a working fire and possible entrapment. It was quickly determined that there was no entrapment. Rescue 40 responded with 6. Crew arrived on the scene and split the crew into 2 groups of 3. First crew was tasked with getting a 2nd line to the 3rd floor for fire attack and the 2nd crew was sent to the 2nd floor to assist with fire attack. Crews then assisted with overhaul of the 2nd and 3rd floors. Thanks to Cumberland County Engine 1-30 for covering the borough and helping with getting the rescue back in service. Time out was 2 hrs and 25 mins. Pics courtesy of Photo 40 and capitalcityfirephoto.
January 16, 2015 Transfer Assignment
January 16, 2015 At 0635 hrs Rescue 40 was dispatched to transfer to Cumberland County Sta 2-30 while they assisted on a working structure fire in East Pennsboro Twp. Rescue 40 responded with 4. Crew stood-by on station and answered no calls for service. When company 30 returned to station, crew assisted with getting their apparatus back in service. Time out was 3 hrs and 53 mins.
January 10, 2015 Box 49-2 WSF Econo Lodge
January 10, 2015 At 1336 hrs box 49-2 was struck for a structure fire at the Econo Lodge. Engine 40 responded with 6. Engine 40 arrived and was assigned to 2nd water source and supply Engine 44. Engine 40 dropped 900 feet of 5 inch. Command 49 called for 2 occupants that were trapped on the 2nd floor. Chief 91 and Chief 41 threw a ladder to the 2nd floor window. Chief 91 rescued the 2 occupants from the room via the window. Lt. 40 assisted Chief 91 with securing the ladder and assisting Chief 91 with bringing the occupants down the ladder. Engine crew also assisted with secondary searches of 1st and 2nd floor and overhaul of 1st and 2nd floor. Thanks to Cumberland County Engine 1-30 for covering the Borough. Time out was 2 hrs 4 mins. Pics courtesy of Photo 40 and capitalcityfirephoto.
January 8, 2015 Transfer Assignment
January 8th 2015 At 1620 hrs Engine 40 was dispatched to transfer to York County Sta 68-1 (Fairview Twp) while they assisted Cumberland County Sta 10 (New Cumberland) on a working structure fire. Engine 40 responded with 6. Crew stood by on station and had no calls for service. When company 68 returned to station, crew helped get their apparatus back in service. Time out 2 hrs 30 min.
January 1, 2015 RIT Call to Penbrook
January 1, 2015 At 1244 hrs box 30-1 was struck for a reported structure fire. Chief 40 on the scene reported a working fire in a one and half story house. The rescue responded with a crew of 7. Rescue crew arrived and was assigned RIT. Crew staged on the A/D side of the structure. Crew was on scene just short of an hour. Pics courtesy of capitalcityfirephoto.
December 31, 2014 3rd Alarm Structure Fire HBG City
December 31, 2014. Just shortly before 3AM the Engine Company was dispatched to transfer into the city while they worked a fire in the uptown district. Engine responded with 5. While enroute to city station 2 the city struck a 3rd alarm bringing the engine to the scene. Crew arrived and was put to work in one of the fire building assisting with fire control and overhaul. The engine was on scene for several hours. Pics courtesy of capitalcityfirephoto.
The officers and members would like to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas. May your day be filled with joy and happiness.