2015 Annual Bunny Run

April 4, 2015   Today the Engine helped the Red Knights with their annual bunny run.  What the Red Knights do is take bunnies to children in the hospital.  This year the Engine made a trip to the Ronald McDonald House in Hershey, Hershey Medical Center and Harrisburg Hospital.  Every child got a stuffed bunny.  This year event was a great success.  Thanks to everyone that help with the event.
















March Stats

April 8, 2015   March Stats are in.

Calls:  29  YTD:  86

Jobs:  5  YTD:  9

Pins:  0  YTD:  1

Boro Calls:  4  YTD:  8

Busiest Day:  Tied Monday and Friday with 6

Busiest Time:  0800-1600 with 14

Busiest Box:  Steelton 50 with 6

Engine Calls:  11

Rescue Calls:  19

Avg Crew:  6

Total Hrs in Service:  26 hrs 1 min


Top 5 Responders

Chief Zwigart with 24

Lt. Tinari with 16

FF. Lemmon with 16

FF. Schrader with 15

DC. Turner with 12

Lt. Sikorski with 12

FF. Baily with 12


March 29, 2015 Mt. Joy WSF

March 29, 2015    While the rescue on it’s way home from Lancaster County Fire School with 6 members testing for their Firefighter 1 came upon a WSF in box 74 E-Town.  Rescue crew arrived and assisted with laddering the building and overhaul.  Time out was 58 minutes.

March 29, 2015 Steelton WSF

March 29, 2015    At 1249 hrs Box 50-1 was struck for a first alarm assignment.  Engine 40 responded with 4.   Eng 40 assignment was to find a secondary hydrant and lay in to side C.  The engine had to lay duel 3 inch lines since the hydrant did not have a steamer.  Crew put in service master stream operations and also supplied truck 32 on side C.  Time out was 4 hrs 35 mins.  Thanks to Dillsburg Fire for covering the boro.  Photos from photo 40 and capitalcityfirephoto.























March 20, 2015. Lower Paxton WSF

March 20, 2015    At 1340 hrs box 33-5 was struck for a working fire.  Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 4.  Upon arrival crews assignment was to stage as R.I.T.  Crew staged on side A.  Time out was 30 mins.

March 15, 2015 Dauphin WSF

March 15, 2015    At 1416 hrs box 38-4 (Dauphin Boro) was struck to assist on a working structure fire.  Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 3.  On arrival crew was sent to the roof to open up the roof and also assisted with overhaul.  Time out was 2 hrs 35 mins.  Pics from photo 40.









March 2, 2015 HBG City WSF

March 2, 2015     At 0946 hrs Box 1-1 was struck to assist city units in the 200 Blk of South Cameron St for a building fire.  Engine 40 responded with a crew of 4.  Crew assisted with overhaul.   Time out was 2 hours.

February Stats are In

March 01, 2015   Here are February Stats.

Calls:  31  Yr Total:  57

Borough Calls:  3  Yr Total:  4

Jobs:  1  Yr Total:  4

Pins:  1  Yr Total:  1

Busiest Day:  Friday with 8

Busiest Time:  Tied  2400-0800/1600-2400 with 11

Busiest Box:  Steelton (50) with 11

Engine Calls:  8

Rescue Calls:  23

Total Manpower:  178

Average Crew:  6

Total Hrs in Service:  24 hrs 52 min


Top 5 Responders

Chief Zwigart with 24

DC. Turnder with 20

FF. Lemmon with 18

Lt. Tinari with 17

FF. Schrader with 17


St. Patrick’s Day Party

Come on out and Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with the Paxtang Fire Company.

When:  Sunday March 22, 2015

Location:  Paxtang Grill  3323 Derry Street.

Time:  4 Pm till 10 PM

Cost:  $10.00 Donation at the Door.

Cash Bar from 4 PM till 10 PM

Free Food Buffet from 4 PM till 6 PM.

There is a $10.00 Raffle for a $500.00 Visa Gift Card.  You don’t need to be present to win.  Only 300 raffle tickets available.  See any member in advance or the day of the event.

Proceeds Benefit the Paxtang Fire Company



February 22, 2015 WSF Box 50-1 Steelton

February 22, 2015, Box 50-1 was struck at 0336 hrs for a structure fire.  PD on the scene with a working fire.  Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 7.  Upon arrival crew went to work in the fire building than assisted with overhaul of the fire building.  Crew was on scene for 4 hrs and 8 min.  Thanks to York Co. 68 (Fairview Twp.) for covering the borough.  Pics courtesy of capital city fire photos.

Steel 2-22-15-2

Steel 2-22-15-3

Steel 2-22-15-1