June 17, 2015 Steelton WSF

June 17, 2015    At 2218 box 50-1 was dispatched for a working structure fire.  Rescue 40 with 3.  Crew arrived on the scene and assisted with pulling a 2nd line and overhaul.  Time out was 37 minutes.

June 11, 2015 Transfer With Call To Scene

June 11, 2015   At 1036 hrs Engine 40 was dispatched to transfer to York County Sta 64 Dillsburg.  Engine 40 with a crew of 3 transferred to Dillsburg.  While on stand-by at 1200 hrs York County dispatched Engine 40 to the scene of the working commercial fire in Wellsville.  Engine 40 arrived on the scene and staged in manpower and then tasked with metering the fire building for Ammonia levels and then assisted with putting down suppression blankets on the burning Aluminum.   Time out was 3 hrs 46 minutes.

May 16, 2015 Hampden Twp WSF

May 16, 2015    At 1352 hrs Cumberland County box 30-05 was struck for a working structure fire.  Engine 40 in place of Rescue 40 for R.I.T. assignment.  Engine 40 responded with a crew of 5.  Crew staged on side A at R.I.T.  Later crew was moved into manpower and then assisted with fire attack and overhaul.   Time out was 3 hrs and 18 minutes.

May 8, 2015 Search Detail

May 8, 2015    At 2224 hrs box 40-2 was stuck to assist PD with lighting for a search detail to the rear of the firehouse.  Rescue responded with a crew of 13.  Crew set up lighting for PD and members assisted PD on a search detail along the railroad tracks with hand lights.  Time out was 32 minutes.

May 3, 2015 MVA with Entrapment

May 3, 2015   At 2014 hrs box 91-1 was struck for an auto accident with entrapment.   Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 5.  Rescue arrived to assist Co. 49 Swatara with extrication and clean up.  Time out was 1 hr 4 minutes.

May 2, 2015 Paxtang Vehicle Fires

May 2, 2015.    At 1128 hrs box 40-2 was stuck for a vehicle fire.  Engine 40 responded with a crew of 4.  County advised PD on the scene with 4 vehicles on fire next to a building.  The box was upgraded to a working structure fire box.   Engine 40 dropped the supply line at the entrance for the next arriving Engine to pick up.  Crew found 4 vehicles involved.  1 inch and 3/4 line was pulled and made a quick knock on the fires.  Next arriving companies assisted with overhaul of the vehicle.  Thanks to all the mutual aid companies that assisted on the scene.  Time out was 1 hr 17 minutes.

May New Firefighter 1 Certification

May 2015    Congratulations to the following members who passed their Firefighter 1 certification.

Chief Zwigart, FF. Nickle, FF. Hays, FF. Lemmon, FF. Baily and FF. Cataldi.

April 16, 2015 Hampden Twp WSF

April 16, 2015    At 1745 hrs box 30-09 Cumberland County was struck for a first alarm structure fire.  Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 7.  Arrived on the scene to stage on side A as R.I.T.   Time out 30 minutes.

April 13, 2015 Paxtang WSF

April 13, 2015    At 1749 hrs box 40-2 was struck for a working structure fire.  Engine 40 responded during dispatch with 2.  Engine arrived to find a fire next to a garage.  Crew made a quick knock on the fire and checked the structure for extension finding none.  Time out was 1 hour.

April 2, 2015 Lower Paxton WSF

April 2, 2015     At 1350 hrs box 34-4 was struck for a working structure fire.  Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 8 for R.I.T.   Rescue arrived and staged on side A as R.I.T.  Crew staged till released by fire command.  No calls for service.  Time out was 31 minutes.