August Stats

09-11-18 Here are August Stats

Calls: 24 YTD: 206
Boro: 1 YTD: 30
Jobs: 2 YTD: 8
Pins: 0 YTD: 0
Manpower: 107 YTD: 788
Crew: 5 YTD: 4
Hrs In Serivce: 13 hrs 23 mins YTD: 113 hrs 15 mins
Engine Calls: 8 YTD: 86
Rescue Calls: 16 YTD: 144
Busiest Day: Tied Sunday and Saturday with 5
Busiest Time: 0800-1600 with 11
Busiest Box: Steelton (50) with 7

Top 5 Responders
Lt.Lemmon with 17
Chief Zwigart with 16
DC. Tinari with 15
FF. Schrader with 12
FF. Frankenfield with 9

2nd Alarm Building Fire Cumberland County

08/25/18 At 1024 hrs rescue 40 was dispatched as part of the 2nd alarm to Cumberland County New Cumberland Boro to assist on a 2nd alarm building fire. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 5. Rescue 40 arrived and took up 2nd due RIT time. Crew was then split and assigned to assist with fire attack and overhaul. Time out was 3 hrs 2 mins.

64th Annual Schuylkill County Fireman’s Convention in Pine Grove

08/25/18. Engine 40 along with Rutherford Fire (45), Linglestown Fire (35) and Grantville (39) headed north to Schuylkill County to Pine Grove for the 64th Annual Schuylkill County Fireman’s Convention. Prior to the parade members from the 4 departments had our annual tailgating where members enjoyed good food and brotherhood. Engine 40 took 1st Place in Out of County for Best Appearing Engine 1500 gpm and up. This is the 8th straight year. Congrats to Rutherford Fire, Linglestown Fire and Grantville on the awards they won. All together Dauphin County units took home 8 trophies. See our facebook page for pic from the day.

Commercial Structure Fire Box 456-1

08/23/18 At 1514 hrs Engine 40 was dispatched as part of the working structure box to assist Swatara Twp companies on a working fire in a hotel. Engine 40 arrived and assist with PPV on side C of the building. Time out was 1 hr 3 mins.

Structure Fire Box 32-3

08-06-18 At 1816 hrs box 32-3 was struck for a reported structure fire. Engine 40 responded with a crew of 6. Engine crew arrived and took up the 2nd due hydrant and laid into the scene. Crew staged in manpower. Time out was 34 mins.

July Stats

08/01/18 Here are July’s Stats.

Calls: 44 YTD: 182
Boro Calls: 11 YTD: 29
Jobs: 0 YTD: 6
Pins: 0 YTD: 0
Manpower: 191
Avg Crew: 4
Hrs In Service: 12 hrs 20 mins
Engine Calls: 26
Rescue Calls: 22
Utility Calls: 1
OIC: 1
Busiest Day: Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday with 9
Busiest Time: 16-24 with 23
Busiest Box: Paxtang (40) with 11

Electrical Fire Box 40-1

07/28/18 At 1843 hrs box 40-1 was struck for a reported commercial structure fire. Engine 40 responded with a crew of 4 Rescue with 2. Engine 40 and city tower 1 arrived at the same time. There was no conditions from side A. Engine crew and tower 1 crew investigated and found the wires in a cooler were smoking and arching. Power was secured to the unit. Box was turned over to facility. Time out was 19 mins.

Water Rescues Due to Storms

07/24/18 During the over night hours with all the heavy rain. Company 40 was busy with several water rescues in the first due and assisted mutual aid departments. Crews assisted on 3 different water rescues with getting drivers out of their vehicles that drove through standing water and people from their homes due to the high level of water in their homes. Crews spent about 3 hrs assisting with water rescues.

Reported Structure Fire Box 40-1

07/08/18 At 1817 hrs box 40-1 was struck for a reported structure fire. Engine 40 responded with a crew of 4. Engine arrived and picked up the hydrant in front of the home. Nothing showing on arrival. Crews investigated and found the heating element on the stove hot and sparking. Crews secured the power to the stove. There was no extension beyond the stove. Time out was 12 mins.

WSF Box 45 Swatara Twp.

07/08/18 At 1140 hrs box 45-2 was struck for a structure fire. Engine 40 responded with a crew of 5. Engine arrived and picked up the 2nd due hydrant and laid into Engine 91-5. Crew assisted with lighting and PPV. Time out was 29 mins.