Nov 2, 2015 Paxtang Boro Commercial Structure Fire

Nov 2, 1015   Just shortly at midnight, Box 40-1 was struck for a structure fire in the 3200 blk of Derry St.  Chief 40 arrived to find a well involved building fire at 3200 Pike St.  Engine 40 responded with a crew of 5 and tag the hydrant at 31 St. and Derry and laid in to side A/D and put multiple master streams in service right away.  About 0200 hrs the fire was under control.  Crews were on the scene till about 0800 hrs doing overhaul and hitting any hot spots.  Company’s on the scene were Paxtang 40, Penbrook 30, Progress 32, Lawnton 44, Rutherford 45, Bressler 41, Swatara 49, Swatara 91, Steelton 50, Middletown 88, Colonial Park 33, Susquehanna Twp 37 and City Tower 1 and Squad 8, Lebanon Truck 58, York County Rescue 69 and tankers from Linglestown 35, Susquehanna Twp 37, Union Deposit 47, Grantville 39 and Lower Swatara 59.  Thanks to our stand-by companies York County Engine 68 and Cumberland County Squad 30.  Pic courtesy of Capitalcityfirephoto.
























New Fire Police Members

Oct 20, 2015   At the Borough Council Meeting, 3 new fire police officers were sworn in by the mayor.  The following new Fire Police Officers are Denny Beaver, Robert Straining and Robin Bloss.  We want to welcome our new fire police officers.

Fire PoliceFire Police1


2015 Fire Prevention

Oct 7, 2015    The Paxtang Fire Company visited the Paxton Presbyterian Church and Paxtang Elementary School.  The pre-school watched a video on fire safety, learned Stop, Drop and Roll, was able to see a firefighter get dressed in his gear and got to see the fire trucks.  The Elementary kids also got to see a video on fire safety, learned Stop, Drop and Roll and a firefighter get dressed in his gear while the older children got to learn how to use a fire extinguisher.  The theme for this years fire prevention was hear the beep where you sleep.  Here are some pics from the day.






FP2015-5 FP2015-6





FP2015-7 FP2015-18















Sept 25, 2015. The 15th Annual Crabfest/Pig Roast is in the books. It was another successful year. The weather was beautiful. We want to thank our Sponsor’s, the volunteers, the patrons and the committee for their hard work. Without each and every one of you, this event would not be a success. We hope that everyone that attended the event had plenty to eat and had a great time. Mark your calendar’s now for next years Crabfest/Pig Roast which is Sept. 17th 2016.


Aug. 20, 2015    On Aug 20 Paxtang got a new junior firefighter.  Noah Straining has been coming around the firehouse for about the past year and now is old enough to join the Paxtang Fire Company at the age of 15 as a junior firefighter.  On this day, Noah’s parents had a small surprise party for him at the firehouse.  There were family and friends on hand to help celebrate his birthday and joining the firehouse.

New Junior








New Junior1


Aug. 14, 2015. On Aug 14, 2015 the Engine and Old Mack headed north to Schuylkill County for the weekend for the 61st Annual Schuylkill County Fireman’s Convention hosted by the Polish American Fire Company in Shenandoah. The convention parade was held on Sat. The Engine and Mack meet up with the Schuylkill Haven Fire Department, Rutherford Fire Company 45 and Paxtonia Fire Company 34 after judging. Once in line-up crews began to enjoy some time together making breakfast, playing a few games of corn-hole and then enjoyed lunch prior to the parade. It was a great time of brotherhood between the 4 departments. We would like to thank the Paxtang Borough Council for allowing us to take the Engine up to Schuylkill County for the weekend. We would like to thank the Liberty Fire #4 in Schuylkill Haven for allowing us to spend the weekend at their firehouse. A BIG thank you to the Fairview Twp 68 Fire Department from York County for stand-by coverage on Sat. while the Engine was away.  Engine 40 took 1st Place Out Of County Engine with 1500 GPM Pump and Da Mack took Best Appearing Mack.

Tailgating Pics











































































AUG. 12, 2015 STRUCTURE BOX 44-2

Aug. 12, 2015. At 2028 hrs box 44-2 was struck for a structure fire at Pet Smart. Engine 40 responded with a crew of 6. Engine arrived on the scene to pick up the 2nd water source on side B of the building. Crew was sent to the back of the building to investigate and then assisted inside with investigation of an odor of smoke in the building. Found to be an issue with one of the roof top systems. Time out 1 hr 7 min.

Aug. 7, 2015 WSF SWATARA TWP.

Aug. 7, 2015. At 1539 hrs box 49-1 was struck for a working structure fire. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 6. Rescue arrived to stage and manpower was split up into several crews. Two members were sent in to secure the utilities in the basement, two members were sent in to do air monitoring and 1 member was sent to the roof to assist with roof work. Time out was 1 hr and 57 min.


Aug 5th 2015. The day started off at 0939 hrs with the Rescue going to Steelton. Then on their way to the station, the Engine was requested at 0958 hrs to transfer to Lebanon County to Palmyra Sta 1 to stand-by while they were on a 3 alarm fire. As the Engine was placed in service from Palmyra, the Rescue was requested at 1542 hrs to transfer to Cumberland County to Hampden Twp Sta 2-30 while they were on a 2 alarm fire in the Borough of Mechanicsburg. While on stand-by in Hampden Twp, the Rescue was dispatched to the Borough of Mechanicsburg for an auto accident with injuries. Rescue crew arrived on the scene to stabilize the vehicle and assist EMS with pt care and packaging. Crews were back in station by 1700 hrs.

June 18, 2015 Middletown WSF

June 18, 2015    At 1522 hrs box 88-3 was struck for a working structure fire.  Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 2.  Rescue arrived on the scene and assisted with fire suppression and overhaul.  Time out was 1 hr 25 minutes.