March 4, 2016 At 1411 hrs box 50-2 was struck for a structure fire. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 7. Crew arrived on the scene and assisted with outside ventilation. Time out was 36 mins.
03-03-16 Box 456-2 WSF
March 3, 2016 At 2057 hrs a second alarm was struck in the 456-2 box. Engine 40 responded with a crew of 5. Crew arrived to stage in manpower then sent to the second floor for overhaul. Crew worked on overhauling the second floor and hitting hot spots. Time out was 2 hrs 24 min.
02-20-16 Box 33-5 WSF R.I.T. Assignment
Feb 20 2016 At 1338 hrs box 33-5 was dispatched for a working structure fire. Rescue 40 was dispatched for R.I.T. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 3. Rescue arrived to stage on side A. Crew remained on the scene till released by command 33. Time out was 37 minutes.
02-19-16 Box 49-1 WSF
Feb 19 2016 At 0930 hrs Rescue 40 was dispatched as part of the 2nd alarm dispatch for a working structure fire. Rescue responded with a crew of 3. Crew arrived to assist with overhaul and to assist Swatara PD with removal of weapons from the home. Crews also assisted with picking up hand line and supply line. Thanks to Cumberland County Squad 30 for covering the borough. Time out was 1 hour 36 minutes.
02-19-16 Box 30-2 WSF
Feb 19, 2016 At 0443 hrs box 30-2 was struck for a working structure fire. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 4. Rescue arrived to assist with fire attack and overhaul of the fire building. Time out was 3 hours and 38 minutes.
Photos credit to capitalcityfirephoto
2-18-16 Box 33-2 WSF R.I.T. Assignment
Feb 18, 2016 At 1948 hrs box 33-2 was struck for a working fire. Rescue 40 was dispatched for R.I.T. Rescue responded with a crew of 3. Arrived on the scene to stage on the A/B corner. Crew staged on the scene till released by command 33. Rescue was then sent to 33 station Colonial Park to cover the township. Time out was 52 minutes.
January Stats
02/04/2016 The stats for January are
Calls: 32
Jobs: 3
Pins: 0
Borough Calls: 3
Total Manpower: 115
Avg Crew: 4
Hours In Service: 20 hrs 45 min
Engine Calls: 11
Rescue Calls: 20
OIC: 1
Busiest Day: Tuesday with 8
Busiest Time: 1600-2400 with 17
Busiest Box: Steelton (50) with 8
Top 5 Responders
Chief Zwigart with 21
Capt. Tinari with 16
FF. Nickle with 10
DC. Turnder with 9
FF. Hays with 9
Condolences to the forsyth family
The officers and members of the Paxtang Fire Company send our condolences to the Forsyth family. Frank loss his battle with cancer. Frank served the Borough of Paxtang for many years. He was a police officer, life member of the fire company and recently serving on Borough Council. There are no services or memorial services per the family. Please keep the Forsyth family in your thoughts and prayers.
01-15-16 Busy Night For Rescue Company
01-15-16 The night shift started with the Rescue Company being transferred to Cumberland County Hampden Township Sta 2-30 at 1908 hrs while CC 30 assisted on a working fire in the Borough of Mechanicsburg. While on stand-by the rescue was dispatched to the scene of the building fire in Mechanicsburg to assist with manpower. Rescue arrived and was put to work on the 2nd floor to assist with overhaul and hitting hot spots. While leaving the scene the rescue took in a crash in the Hampden but was placed in service upon arrival with nothing found. Total time out for the evening was 2 hrs 53 minutes.
01-05-16 Box 32-4 WSF
01-05-16 At 2340 hrs box 32-4 was struck for a structure fire. Engine 40 responded with a crew of 3. Engine 40 arrived and crew was sent to manpower. Crew was later put to work and assisted with overhaul of the fire building. Time out was just shy of 2 hrs.