Box 50-2 Steelton WSF

08-04-16  At 1340 hrs box 50-2 was struck for a structure fire.  Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 3.  Crew arrived and assisted with fire attack and overhaul.  Time out was 59 minutes.

JULY 2016 Stats

Here are July’s Stats

Calls:  16  YTD:  218

Boro Calls:  3  YTD:  36

Jobs:  1  YTD:  18

Pins:  0  YTD:  2

Total Manpower:  47

Avg Crew:  3

Hrs of Service:  9 hrs 35 min

Engine Calls:  5

Rescue Calls:  12

Busiest Day:  Sunday with 5

Busiest Time:  1600-0000 with 9

Busiest Box:  40 Paxtang with 3


Top 5 Responders

Chief Zwigart with 9

Capt Tinari with 6

FF. Moyer with 5

DC. Turner with 4

FF. Baily with 4

FF. Nickle with 4

Annual Crabfest/Pig Roast

7/25/16   To get more information about our Annual Crabfest/Pig Roast please visit the crabfest link at the top of the page for Date, Time, Location, Ticket Information and Sponsor Information.

Paxtang Fire Supporting The Men and Women In Blue

07-24-2016     Today the Paxtang Fire Company is proudly showing our Support for the Men and Women in Blue.  Our Patch on the bay door and both the Engine and Rescue are outfitted with the thin blue line which shows support for law enforcement.  We want to thank Lester of Aungst Signs of Schuylkill Haven for the great work.



June 2016 Stats Are In

Here are June’s 2016 Stats

Calls:  43  YTD:  202

Boro Calls:  10  YTD:  33

Jobs:  1  YTD:  17

Pins:  0  YTD:  2

Total Manpower:  109

Avg Crew:  3

Hrs In Service:  12 hrs 20 min

Engine Calls:  15

Rescue Calls:  34

OIC Calls:  1

Busiest Day:  Tuesday with 11

Busiest Time:  0800-1600 with 25

Busiest Box:  Ties 40 Paxtang and 50 Steelton with 10


Top 5 Responders

Chief Zwigart with 24

Capt. Tinari with 20

FF. Kessler with 10

FF. Nickle with 8

Lt. Sikorski with 6



Six County Fireman’s Convention in McAdoo PA

06-25-15  Today Engine 40 and our brother’s from Rutherford Fire 45 traveled up to McAdoo PA for the Six County Fireman’s Convention.  Members enjoyed fellowship prior to the parade with a cookout, games and just relaxing.  Everyone had a great time.  Engine 40 took 1st Place out of County for 1500/1750 GPM Engine.  Our Brothers from Rutherford Fire took 2nd Place out of County for 1500/1750 GPM Engine and 1st Place for their Attack.  Congrats to all winners.




















06/14/16 First Alarm Commercial Fire Box 32-1

06/14/16   At 1347 hrs box 32-1 was struck for a reported structure fire.  Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 2.  First arriving Engine 32 found smoke inside the building.  Upon investigation found a small fire inside an exterior wall.  Rescue arrived and assisted with ventilation and checking for extention.  Crew then helped with repacking of Engine 32.  Time out was 1 hr 7 min.

06/10/16 Schuylkill Haven Stand-by

06/10/16  On June 10th, Engine 40 headed north to Schuylkill County for the weekend.  The engine was asked to provide stand-by coverage for the Liberty Fire #4 in Schuylkill Haven while they held their Annual BBQ Bash.  Friday evening crew ran a shed fire.  Saturday during the event there were no calls for service.  Members also assisted with the event as needed.  Congrats to the Liberty Fire #4 on a very successful BBQ Bash.  Old Engine 40 was on hand and took Best Appearing Mack.


May 2016 Stats

05/31/16  The May Stats are In.

Calls: 27   YTD: 159

Boro Calls: 2   YTD: 23

Jobs: 1   YTD: 16

Pins: 0   YTD: 2

Total Manpower: 118

Avg Crew: 4

Hrs In Service: 9 hrs 53 min

Engine Calls: 7

Rescue Calls: 19

Busiest Day: Monday with 6

Busiest Time:  0800-1600 with 13

Busiest Box: 32 Progress with 8


Top 5 Responders

Chief Zwigart with 17

Lt. Sikorski with 14

Capt. Tinari with 12

FF. Lemmon with 8

FF. T. Frankenfield with 8


2016 Paxtang Memorial Day Picnic

05/30/16   Today the Borough of Paxtang held their Annual Memorial Day Picnic at Saussaman Park.  The Lawnton American Legion Post 998 was on hand to help honor our fallen and provided the borough with a new American Flag to fly at the park.  There was food, games and fire truck rides.  Thanks to the many sponsors who helped make this day a success, our borough council and volunteers.








































