January 2017 Stats

02-01-17  Here are January 2017 Stats.

Calls:  26      YTD:  26

Boro Calls:  3      YTD:  3

Jobs:  2      YTD:  2

Pins:  0      YTD:  0

Total Manpower:  121

Avg Crew:  5

Engine Calls:  9

Rescue Calls:  20

Busiest Day:  Tuesday with 6

Busiest Time:  1600-2400 with 14

Busiest Box:  Steelton (50) with 6


Top 5 Responders

Chief Zwigart with 17

FF. Frankenfield with 17

FF. Nickle with 14

DC. Tinari with 12

FF. Robinson with 10

Box 45-2 WSF

01-27-17  At 2224 hrs box 45-2 was struck for a structure fire.  Engine 40 responded with a crew of 6, leaving 2 members on station.  While enroute, chief 45-2 on the scene with a working fire.  Engine crew arrived and split crews.  2 guys were sent to the roof to open up the roof for the interior crews and 3 guys assisted inside with fire attack and overhaul.   Time out was 1 hr 26 min.

Chief and Deputy Chief Appointment

01-17-17  At the regular Borough Council Meetting, the fire chief and deputy fire chief were appointed.  The Fire Chief is Todd Zwigart and Deputy Fire Chief is John Tinari.  Both positions serve a 3 year term.   We would like to congratulate both of them and the best of luck.

Box 30-1 WSF

01-07-17  At 1548 hrs box 30-1 Penbrook was struck for a structure fire.  Units from 32 Progress and Hbg City arrived to find a working fire.  Rescue 40 responded with a  crew of 6.  Rescue arrived and stretched a back up line to the 3rd floor.  Crew assisted with fire attack and overhaul.  Time out was 57 mins.

2016 Year End Stats

Here are the Year End Stats for 2016

Total Calls:  378

Boro Calls:  50

Jobs:  31

Pins:  3

Total Manpower:  1151

Avg Crew:  4

Total Hrs In Serivce:  202 hrs 13 mins

Busiest Day:  Sunday with 82

Busiest Time:  0800-1600 with 157

Busiest Box:  Steelton (50) with 86

Engine Calls:  127

Rescue Calls:  270


Top 10 Responders

Chief Zwigart with 240

Capt. Tinari with 191

FF. Frankenfield with 90

Lt. Sikorski with 86

FF. Lemmon with 86

FF. Nickle with 85

FF. C. Moyer with 58

FF. Schrader with 54

DC. Turner with 46

FF. Schmolitz wth 42

December Stats

Here are Decembers Stats.

Calls:  35  YTD:  378

Boro Calls:  1  YTD:  50

Jobs:  4  YTD:  31

Pins:  0  YTD:  3

Total Manpower:  85

Avg Crew:  3

Hrs In Service:  19 hrs 6 mins

Engine Calls:  4

Rescue Calls:  33

Busiest Day:  Sunday with 8

Busiest Time:  0800-1600 with 15

Busiest Box:  Steelton (50) with 9


Top 5 Responders

Capt. Tinari with 19

Chief Zwigart with 18

FF. Nickle with 10

FF. Frankenfield with 8

FF. Lemmon with 5


Transfer Assignment with Call to Scene

12-30-16  At 1644 hrs Rescue 40 was requested to transfer to Cumberland County Sta 2-30 Hampden Twp while units were on the scene of a working structure fire in Shiremanstown.  Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 4.  While enroute to transfer a 2nd alarm was struck in Shiremanstown requesting the rescue crew for 2nd due R.I.T.  Rescue arrived on the scene and staged on A/D of the structure.  Crew stood by as R.I.T. till command marked control and then crew was sent in to help with overhaul of the fire building.  Time out was 3 hrs 58 mins.

Box 37-3 WSF

12-26-16  At 1659 hrs a 2nd alarm was struck for box 37-3 on a working structure fire.  Rescue 40 was dispatched for R.I.T.  Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 4.  Arrived on the scene to stage on side A.  Crew remained on the scene till released by command 37.  Time out was 2 hrs 6 min

Box 33-5 WSF

12-19-16  At 1944 hrs box 33-5 was struck for a working structure fire.  Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 4.  Crew arrived on the scene and took up the RIT assignment.  Time out was 30 mins.

Search Detail

12-18-16  At 1932 hrs box 32-3 was struck for company 40 to assist Progress 32 and many other agencies with a search detail of a missing women from a nursing home.  Both Engine and Rescue with a total crew of 7 were out searching the local area for the missing women.  Crews were out all night looking for her.  She was found alive the following morning and was taken to the hospital via EMS.  Great job to everyone involved in the search.  Time out for Paxtang was 4 hrs and 24 mins.