Wednesday, January 30, 2013 – Early this morning at 01:36 hrs. Harrisburg Bureau Of Fire received a call for a Structure Fire at 1947 Zarker St. Box 1-4 in the South End Of The Hill District, it was confirmed to be a working fire in a Duplex House, one side not occupied. Not long after a second alarm was struck sending (Paxtang) Engine 40 & (Paxtonia) Ladder 34 to Harrisburg City Station 2 to standby. While at Station 2 at 02:22 hrs. Paxtang and Paxtonia were dispatched to a Cardiac Arrest in Box 1-5 in Hall Manor, units cleared the call and returned back to Station 2. Engine 40 & Ladder 34 were cleared from the standby around 04:00 hrs.