2018 Year End Review

12/31/2018 Here is the Year End Report.

Total Calls: 324
Borough Calls: 48
Working Fires: 14
Pins: 2
Total Manpower: 1264
Avg Crew: 4
Hrs In Service: 182 hrs 15 mins
Engine Calls: 131
Rescue Calls: 222
Busiest Day: Sunday with 53
Busiest Time: 1600-2400 with 138
Busiest Box: Steelton (50) with 96

Training: 36
Manpower: 195
Hrs Training: 2,189

Borough Calls
Box 40-1: 31
Box 40-2: 17

Medical Assist Calls: 19
Motor Vehicle Accidents: 5
Gas Leaks: 4
Public Service: 4
Fire Alarm Commercial: 3
Structure Fire Residential: 2
Fire Alarm Residential: 2
Carbon Monoxide Alarm: 2
Water Rescue: 1
Fire Alarm Multi Residential: 1
Electrical Hazards: 1
Structure Fire Commercial: 1
Non-Reporting: 1

Calls By County
Dauphin: 294
York: 15
Cumberland: 14

Top 10 Responders
Lt. Lemmon with 212
Chief Zwigart with 200
DC. Tinari with 192
FF. Frankenfield with 109
FF. Schrader with 94
FF. Clark with 81
Capt. Moyer with 72
Lt. Nickle with 65
Jr. FF. Ford with 44
FF. Leach with 38