Here are the Year End Stats for 2016
Total Calls: 378
Boro Calls: 50
Jobs: 31
Pins: 3
Total Manpower: 1151
Avg Crew: 4
Total Hrs In Serivce: 202 hrs 13 mins
Busiest Day: Sunday with 82
Busiest Time: 0800-1600 with 157
Busiest Box: Steelton (50) with 86
Engine Calls: 127
Rescue Calls: 270
Top 10 Responders
Chief Zwigart with 240
Capt. Tinari with 191
FF. Frankenfield with 90
Lt. Sikorski with 86
FF. Lemmon with 86
FF. Nickle with 85
FF. C. Moyer with 58
FF. Schrader with 54
DC. Turner with 46
FF. Schmolitz wth 42