01/16/2016 The 2015 Year End Stats are In.
Total Calls: 278
Borough Calls: 37
Jobs: 24
Pins: 2
Total Manpower: 1,460
Avg Crew: 5
Total Hours In Service: 197 hours 3 minutes
Engine Calls: 109
Rescue Calls: 183
Busiest Day: Monday with 61
Busiest Time: 1600/2400 with 111
Busiest Box: Steelton (50) with 69
Top 10 Responders
Chief Zwigart with 181
Lt. Tinari with 160
FF. Schrader with 138
DC. Turner with 129
FF. Lemmon with 118
Lt. Sikorski with 114
FF. Nickle with 77
FF. Baily with 77
FF. Hays with 63
FF. T. Bloss with 52